Examine your employees' potential from different dimensions, place them in one of the 9 boxes, and discover the shining stars in your company early.
Reduce your operations with improved smart suggestions and automations while making automatic placements according to the rules determined when placing in the 9-box.
Include your managers in the review processes by adding a pre-review step within customized flows. Plan calibrations that bring together your HR business partner and managers and determine the employee's potential by organizing review sessions.
While preparing your talented employees for their current positions or the future, provide them with opportunities for development. Allow them to determine and follow development plan actions together with their managers.
Get detailed and visual analyses from your employees' demographic information, strengths and development areas; from the high potential employee rates in your company that change over the years to the company's competency and skill averages.
Collect employee mobility surveys and see your company's flexibility to work independently of region or function.
While determining the criticality status of your employees and in which way they are critical, quickly back up the things that need attention. While determining the best successor with the employee comparison feature, success similar employees to each other.
Use this information in reviews while allowing your managers to give instant appreciation and development areas regarding their employees. Discuss your decisions in calibrations on concrete scenarios with the feedback that can be given in the STAR technique.
Digitalize, filter or color your organization chart. Examine different teams in detail with either chart, list or grid views.
With detailed filtering, coloring and display options for many of your needs, double your speed in your reports or in your bulk processes.
Visualize all information about the development of your talents on a single screen.
Easily access both personal information and talent management information of employees with Employee and Talent Cards.
Access many data such as employee performance data, personality traits, potential competencies, education and career plans, assessment center results, information about succession and retention, and development plans on a single screen.
Select the personality traits, commitment and motivation focuses, and competencies that determine the potential of your employees.
Have your managers play a role in your potential review periods that you will conduct at regular intervals.
Organize digitalized calibration sessions with your HR Business Partners and discuss your employee's potential by using all of your information.
Select the most appropriate box for your employee on the talent matrix, or set matrix rules and let Recognise help with placements.
Include advanced approval chains in your process whenever you want.
Allow discovered talents or employees who are open to development to create their own development plans with their managers.
With our Employee Panel application that can work integrated with Recognise, let your employees see their own information and organization charts.
Give your employees the opportunity to enter their mobility choices.
Ensure that managers can follow the detailed development plans and action steps created, support this structure with feedback and stars.
Determine the career steps of high potential employees and determine the steps to be taken regarding the promotion processes of your employees.
With the installation settings, perform a step-by-step installation suitable for your company.
Display only the information you want to track with customized employee and talent cards.
Decide how you will structure your talent review period and how you will place your employees in a matrix, determine the process that suits your needs with Recognise's flexible structure.
Manage your organization chart visually with advanced filtering and coloring options.
Give your employees quick feedback, add notes, and accelerate communication with your employees.
Reveal the similarities and differences of your talent candidates with employee comparison options.
For Admins, HR Business Partners, Managers and C-Level managers, quickly access information that only the relevant role will care about with customizable dashboards based on roles.
With visual and changeable graphics, keep your frequently followed information always in front of you.
Prepare your reports with many different themes and extensive filtering options created for each role and purpose.
Easily share analyzes of your talent development, criticality or succession plans, mobility situations, or your company's strengths or development areas with your managers.
Recognise is also designed as a product that works in the cloud and provides all the advantages of being in the cloud. Therefore, no software or hardware installation is required.
After the Service Purchase Agreement is mutually signed, your account is opened with the account name information you send. The users you define can access the system with the username and passwords you provide, as if you were entering a website from anywhere with internet access.
Recognise supports Admin, Maneger, HR Business Partner, C-Level Manager, Final Approver roles.
For organizations that include the employee dashboard application, the Employee role is also available.
Yes it is possible.
Recognise focuses on discovering the potential of employees within the scope of its basic product purpose. Therefore, assessment results provide important data in the talent management of the employee. It is possible to store your employees' test, inventory, survey, etc. documents with the Measurements section in the talent card.
Since some of the potential dimensions can come from these tests and inventories in the potential review that can be made with Recognise, Recognise makes it easier for unit managers or HRBPs to access these documents within the scope of review sessions or preliminary assessments.
It is possible to shape potential reviews in accordance with your organizational processes.
By designing an review flow, you can include your unit managers in the processes and review their employees, you can conduct review sessions moderated by your HR business partners responsible for talent management, and you can add approval chains to these steps.
In addition, it is possible to create simple scenarios where only one person can perform the review by removing these steps.
Recognise collects many employee data in line with its product purpose and visualizes it on a single screen.
There is integration with SAP to track this information in the application.
However, it is also possible for Recognise to make quick integrations with different applications your company uses.
Yes it is possible.
Recognise; focuses on basic issues such as talent discovery, review and development,while collecting almost all data of employees, both basic and talent-related. In this way, you can see, track or report information about employees that comes from different sources with integration, visualized under a single roof.
In addition, when you use our Optimise (Workforce - budget planning) product together with Recognise, you will also track the financial information of employees.
It can be done.
Recognise has been designed considering the responsibilities and needs of each role in the system, and in this context, the screens, information and actions that users see from each role have been differentiated.
In addition, some areas can be customized according to the authorizations you give in the Roles and Responsibilities section within the application.
Yes, this is possible!
Recognise is intended to be an integrator product and is designed to be integrated with various products according to demand or needs.
However, there are also data upload options with Excel for companies that keep and track employee talent information in Excel.
By following sample Excel upload templates and our upload guide, you can transfer employee talent data to Recognise in minutes.